5 ways to successfully move UC to the cloud

If moving unified communications to the cloud is such a practical and inexpensive communications solution, why hasn’t everyone done it yet? A cloud-based unified communications (UC) means user flexibility, reduced technical support, and cost-savings on communication systems. Still, plenty remain unmoved. If you’ve considered moving your UC to the cloud but are not sure of […]

Google’s game changing Cloud Print service

Despite today’s paperless business environment, every now and then there comes a time when you just have to use a printer. And since many businesses have embraced cloud computing, why not combine the cloud with regular printers? Will these devices enjoy the same benefits that cloud computing businesses enjoy? Find out more about Google’s Cloud […]

5 predictions for web services in 2017

The crystal ball certainly won’t be making an appearance anytime soon, so it’s time to start preparing for the far more realistic technology trends of the coming year. Investing in the right technology could be the thing that sets you apart from your competitors in the coming year, and all it takes is a little […]

5 factors for large-scale migration to AWS

Migrating your business’s data, applications and other critical resources to the cloud requires time and a bit of money. Performing a large-scale migration to Amazon Web Services delivers many benefits and is a cost-effective solution that most businesses should adopt. Given its potential to increase your company’s efficiency, there are factors that need to be […]

Best business apps: OneDrive vs SharePoint

SharePoint and OneDrive are similar programs used to help business owners manage and share company data across the board. Choosing which program will best utilize the space and resources you have can be confusing. For a quick overview of these unique programs and how to rationalize the choice for your business, continue reading. Similarities between […]

Paper: Dropbox’s cloud collaboration tool

As various aspects of our lives move into the cloud — from photos to what’s in our refrigerator — there’s an ever-increasing number of vendors to choose from. Founded in 2007, Dropbox was one of the earliest companies to popularize the term ‘cloud storage’ and since then they’ve mostly focused on perfecting that business model. […]

Learning about virtualization licenses

Whether you only need a dozen, or a hundred, the process of deciding on and acquiring software licenses can be very frustrating. Many of us had hoped that cloud computing and virtualization would alleviate some of these headaches. Unfortunately, we’re not there yet, which is why it’s important to understand all of your licensing options […]

Build your workforce using human cloud

If the classic image of a startup was a couple of guys in a garage (think of Amazon, Apple, Disney), the emerging picture is a workforce of cloud collaborators using desired skills to deliver on your white-collar piecework. By eliminating barriers associated with traditional workspaces, the human cloud offers cost-effective solutions that may be a […]

How to make the most out of your BYOD policy

There’s a lot of talk about BYOD policies these days. While most companies are more concerned with the security risks that go along with bringing your own device, far fewer business owners forget the productivity risks. Believe it or not, a poor BYOD policy (or lack thereof) can actually hurt your staff’s productivity. Here are […]

Office 365 migration security musts

More and more small and medium-sized businesses are making the switch from on-premises SharePoint systems to cloud-hosted Office 365. If you’re one of them, it’s vital to ensure that you put in place adequate protection to counter the security challenges that come with the migration. While many businesses contemplating switching find themselves concerned about the […]